Please make sure you read all of our guidance notes and the frequently asked questions before you start your application.

Geographical Priority Areas

The below provides information on the Funds current priorities.

CEF and BLEF Priorities 24-25

Guidance Notes and FAQs

The below document provides information about the Fund and answers to frequently asked questions. 

Guidance for projects involving schools

The document below provides further information for projects involving schools. Please read this in conjunction with the Guidance Notes and FAQs.

Guidance for health and wellbeing projects

The document below provides further information for organisations looking to deliver health and wellbeing projects/interventions. Please read this in conjunction with the Guidance Notes and FAQs.

Guidance for religious/faith organisations and places of worship

The document below provides further information for religious/faith organisations and places of worship.  Please read this in conjunction with the Guidance Notes and FAQs.

Guidance for arts based organisations and/or projects which focus on the arts

The document below provides further information for Guidance for arts based organisations and/or projects which focus on the arts.  Please read this in conjunction with the Guidance Notes and FAQs.

Sample application forms & help notes

These forms are provided for information only. Please do not complete these forms.

All applications must be submitted through the online application system which is accessed by creating an account and taking a short quiz to check that your project meets the basic requirements to be eligible for funding. If your project meets the criteria you will be given a link to the application form. Take the eligibility quiz.

These sample application forms are available should you wish to be able to download or print off copies to help you to plan your application.

Download the sample documents below:


Take a look at these handy animations to see what we are looking for with regards to your project idea and application.

Community and Local Environment Fund Animations

If you have any queries please contact us by email. We can also arrange a telephone call to discuss any queries you may have: